CEDR Mediation Audit 2021

CEDR has just published its latest (ninth) audit of the civil and commercial mediation market. https://www.cedr.com/ninth-mediation-audit-2021/ Normally biennial, this audit was delayed by the pandemic and also incorporates findings from the first six months of lockdown.  The audit reflects the responses of 361 mediators (up from 336 in 2018), and Read more…

The great statue debate: can mediators help? The first railway casualty; a Scottish folly and what did the Romans ever do for us?

The controversy about the public display of statues of those once considered worthy of commemoration but now thought offensive, has raised interesting questions which are not necessarily as easy to resolve as might first appear. Many were paid for by public subscription in response to then prevailing public opinion.  But Read more…

Mediations on the increase in 2018, CEDR reports

The 2018 eighth biennial audit published recently by CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) makes interesting, if not entirely surprising, reading for those interested in commercial and civil mediation. https://www.cedr.com/docslib/The_Eighth_Mediation_Audit_2018.pdf.  This audit does not cover family, community, ACAS or The Court Service Small Claims mediations. Mediations are confidential and accordingly Read more…